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About Us

CLIMATENZA applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in Energy. Our innovative solar thermal technology provide high-value energy to utilities and heat for Industrial applications. CLIMATENZA develops and applies technologies to generate electricity from the sun, working to limit climate change and to develop local communities using mostly concentrating solar thermal technologies.

CLIMATENZA's Environmental Commitment

At CLIMATENZA, our respect for the environment and a vision to decrease Global Greenhouse Gases informs our every thought and action, from the technology and operations we practice. Our concentrating solar power (CSP) technology exists to produce clean energy, address climate change, improve air quality, reduce dependence on fossil fuels and scale clean-energy solutions. Equally imperative is the all-encompassing environmental approach we take to our projects.

Philosophy of Engagement

CLIMATENZA considers environmental concerns as it's prior responsibility as we work with our partners - including governmental agencies, utilities or Industrial sector. CLIMATENZA will actively engage with local communities through numerous outreach efforts, keeping them fully informed of our approach and progress.

CLIMATENZA-Journey towards Low-carbon Future


Vission and Values

Why Solar Energy?

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